The fliers/flyers are in! So excited! It’s starting to feel more real having something tangible to hold. Business cards have shipped, cannot wait for those to arrive!
Non-Profit Update #13 | Fliers Are In!

The fliers/flyers are in! So excited! It’s starting to feel more real having something tangible to hold. Business cards have shipped, cannot wait for those to arrive!
Category: Updates w/ Video Short
Tags: BeTheChange, CartCollectionService, CleanCarts, CleanCities, CommunityCare, CommunityCleanUp, CommunitySupport, CompassionateCities, EcoFriendlyCleaning, EndHomelessness, EnvironmentalCare, HomelessnessAwareness, HomelessOutreach, HousingFirst, InnovativeSolutions, MakingADifference, PovertySolutions, ResponsibleBusiness, RetailSupportServices, SanitationSolutions, ShelterSupport, ShoppingCartRetrieval, SocialEnterprise, SocialImpact, SustainableSanitation, TogetherWeCan, UrbanCompassion, UrbanRenewal, UrbanSustainability, WasteManagementInnovation